As erlang needs to be reliable system for applications, so built-in to the OTP (Open Telecom Platform) library is the idea of supervision for processes.
You can think of a process as a small self-contained program. Supervisor is a process which watches over other processes (referred to as child processes).
We can take advantage of this functionality by creating something called a supervision tree. We will take a look at what that means.
First let’s look at how we can set up a Supervisor.
In our myapp.ex
file located in our lib directory - we are going to add the following snippet.
defmodule MyApp do
use Application
def start(_type, _args) do
children = [
{MyApp.Router, []}
opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: MyApp.Supervisor]
Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)
When our supervisor starts it will call a function start_link
. This function takes two arguments - a list of tuples, and a strategy for how to restart child processes when they fail. Each tuple contains the name of the Child Process, and any initial arguments that will get passed into the start_link function of that respective module.
The children
are the processes that the Supervisor will watch. The Supervisor will iterate over every child module and find its child_spec/
which defines how the child will be started, stopped, and restarted. Usually this is with a start_link/1
function. We will look at the child_spec
In the options
argument, we also need to specify a strategy. This tells the supervisor what to do if a child process fails.
In this case we are using the :one_for_one
strategy. With this process, if the child process terminates, it will be restarted.
Now let’s create our router that will handle our requests.
Start application on Boot
Since we want our application to start at run time, we need to add a configuration to our mix.exs
We will add the following to our application
mod: {MyApp, []}
So our application function now looks like:
def application do
extra_applications: [:logger],
mod: {MyApp, []}
Notice that we specify the name of our App as what we pass to the mod
option. This is our application callback module. So when our application starts, the module we pass to mod
will be started
Next step:
Go on to Router.
Go back to Documentation.