Running the Application Locally
Let’s fire up the application locally
Step 1
Make sure that you’re in the test_app folder. You can type pwd
(print working directory) in the terminal to see what folder you are in.
Type this in the terminal:
mix phoenix.server
This will print some stuff and stay running forever, printing more stuff every time you visit a page in your app.
Expected result:
Compiled web/views/topic_view.ex
[info] Running TestApp.Endpoint with Cowboy using http on port 4000
11 Sep 17:57:34 - info: compiled 5 files into 2 files, copied 3 in 1.2 sec
Step 2
Point your web browser to http://localhost:4000 See your web app actually running!
Step 3
While the server is running, whatever you type in that terminal tab will be ignored.
To get back to the terminal, you can stop the server by typing Control-c twice.
mix phoenix.server
ran your application locally just like Heroku will be running it on their servers.
This provides a very simple means to see your changes before you commit and push them to Heroku.
Control-c is a way of closing or cancelling terminal programs. Since the phoenix server runs forever, you need to interrupt it with Control-c.
Next step:
Go on to Creating a Migration.
Go back to Create a Phoenix App.