Step 5: Install Git

Next we’ll install Git, a popular version control system.

Type this in the terminal:

git --version

Approximate expected result:

git version 2.x.x

If you have this, move on to the next step.

Otherwise, type this in the terminal:

brew install git

Check that you have the right version:

Type this in the terminal:

git --version

Approximate expected result:

git version 2.x.x

Windows installation

Head to and download the Windows installer. Run the executable and choose the default options.

Step 6: Configure git

Type this in the terminal:

git config --global "Your Actual Name"
git config --global "Your Actual Email"


Type this in the terminal:

git config --get

Expected Result:

your name

Type this in the terminal:

git config --get

Expected Result:

your email address

If on a mac, type this into the terminal

git config --global color.ui auto
git config --get color.ui

Expected Result:
